20 Places You Don't Want to Find Bees
Carly Tennes
In light of dwindling bee populations, seeing our fuzzy, flying buddies out and about is usually a pretty good sign. Yet sometimes, these nosy little critters can buzz into places they don't belong — just ask the folks of r/pics who discovered beehives lurking in several un bee-leivable places from their homes, to the road, and heck, even in their jars of honey.
From the fact that bees evidently prefer Coca-Cola over other sodas to their affinity for hang-drying dresses, here are 20 beehives hiding out in some extremely unexpected locales.
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1. “My car has a beehive behind one of the side mirrors.”
2. “Beehive on overturned electrical box cover in Walmart parking lot.”
3. “A beehive built around wind chimes at my friend's house.”
4. “Beehive in our rooftop storage room.”
5. “Beehive growing of the roof of my school.”
6. “Bees had created a hive in this sculpture's eye.”
7. “I found a bee in my raspberry this morning.”
8. “My mailbox acquired a cluster of bees recently.”
9. “The beehive in my kitchen wall.”
10. “Bee colony made a temporary home on our porch.”
11. “Came home to see there is an entire swarm of bees on my mums dress.”
12. “Bees made a hive on a bedroom window at our cabin in Northern Michigan.”
13. “Given a choice, most bees prefer Coca-Cola.”
14. “The bees eating all the candy off the candy apple.”
15. “Bees have commandeered my hummingbird feeder.”
16. “[There are] a lot of bees on this chair.”
17. “Found a dead bee inside my honey.”
18. “Bees on a plane.”
19. “My friend discovered a swarm of bees thriving in her walls.”
20. “Bee made a hotel under my paint can through hole.”
“My car has a beehive behind one of the side mirrors.”